Who We Are
Who are we
Psychiatric Care Developmental Foundation) PCF) is a Yemeni non-governmental foundation that provides developmental and humanitarian support and assistance to the most vulnerable groups in Yemen. The services includes psychosocial treatment and counseling services to individuals and families who suffer from psychological and social problems such as issues related to gender-based violence. PCF also provides specialized psychological training programs for service providers in all sectors. PCF was established at the end of 2019 as a result of the critical necessity and need to build the capacities of conflict-affected communities and respond to their humanitarian and relief needs such as health, education and development. PCF operates under a license from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. PCF scope of work includes all Yemeni governorates.
Devoting all the foundation resources to provide highly-efficient services in the psychological, social, educational, and development fields.
Our Values
Humanity – Neutrality – Transparency – Accountability- Efficiency -Partnership & Collective Work - Independence.
1-Boosting the individual and collective awareness of mental and social health.
2-Providing distinctive services in the arena of mental and social treatment and guidance.
3-Providing specialized psychological programs.
4-Contributing in securing post crises support, protection, and psychosocial treatment.
5-Networking and expanding PCF partnership with the local, regional, and international organizations of the same interest.
6-Promote access to education opportunities for all, in a manner that is consistent with the possibilities of the foundation and consistent with the laws in force.
7- Economic empowerment of communities and enhancement of livelihoods.
8- Contribute to raising awareness of the importance of community solidarity and the importance of achieving justice for societies in all areas of development.
9-Providing a safe and healthy psychological environment for people with special needs and high-risk groups in accordance with human rights principles and laws.
10- Contribute to the capacity-building of community members, especially women, youth, and children, which contributes to the sustainable development.