Our Services

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
PCF provides specialized MHPSS services and focused /non-specialized MHPSS services, targeting most affected groups who are most likely to have mental health issues, such as IDPs, female and male prisoners, children especially those in juvenile detention and orphanages, people with special needs, GBV survivors, women and girls at risk of GBV, the elderly, etc.
Awareness of mental health and psychosocial support
The foundation implements awareness- raising campaigns in mental health and psychosocial support to promote mental health among the various groups of society and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. PCF also hold daily awareness sessions at the MHPSS centers, targeting female beneficiaries and their caregivers including men. The awareness- raising sessions are conducted by psychologists and social workers. The purpose of those awareness sessions is to help female beneficiaries better understand their mental health and learn the best practices to maintain positive mental health and create a safe, supportive and nurturing environment at the MHPSS center.
Training and Rehabilitation in the Psychological field
PCF implements training and rehabilitation courses and workshops of mental health and psychosocial support, targeting psychologists, social workers, psychology students, workers in civil society organizations, as well as religious and community leaders in the society with the aim of integrating basic psychosocial support in other major sectors, such as education, shelter, water and sanitation, nutrition, livelihoods, and protection. The foundation also trains, guides, and helps improve the performance of its staff.
Economic Empowerment and Life Skills
To achieve the principle of gender equality, inclusive economic growth, development and poverty reduction, the foundation implements economic empowerment courses in a number of fields such as embroidery, incense industry, henna engraving, pickle making, etc. Targeting vulnerable women including marginalized groups, IDPs, heads of households and survivors of gender-based violence. They are also trained on how to market their products to encourage them to start their own projects, supply the labor market with local production and contribute to improving women's living conditions and income sources for them and their families.
Cash Assistance
The foundation strives to provide cash assistance through benefactors, in order to help those with limited income and most in need. Cash assistance contributes to meeting a variety of needs for the target group, including access to food and health care.
Food Assistance
The foundation carries out food Kits distribution targeting female heads of households, orphans, IDPs, and other vulnerable groups, who are unable to provide basic foodstuffs such as flour, sugar, rice, etc., where food assistance aims to alleviate the physical and psychological burden on those in need.
Restoration and Rehabilitation
PCF has restored the MHPSS centers' buildings in Hajjah and Ibb governorates. The walls of all the departments have been refurbished. The foundation also rehabilitated toilets, the admission department, the gym , the training hall ,centers' yard ,and repaired the centers' fence.
PCF dispatched an engineering team to the Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases Hospital and Al-Sadaqa Hospital in Aden governorate to assess the construction and restoration needs necessary for the buildings to be rehabilitated and to prepare the financial budgets for renovations in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and Population.
The foundation conducts training courses and workshops targeting social workers, counsellors and physical trainers in schools. The workshops aim to qualify the teaching staff to better support students' mental health needs. PCF also carries out awareness-raising sessions for students and share brochures and leaflets to promote students' mental health and social behaviors.