Sunday, 16 August, 2020

Director of the psychological care institution in Taiz governorate meets the governor of the province for health affairs

Last Thursday morning, 8/13/2020, Dr. Akram Abdel-Aziz, Director of the Psychiatric Care Institute, met Dr. Aylan Abdel-Haq, the governorate's deputy for health affairs.
At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Aylan welcomed Dr. Akram and praised the efforts made by the Foundation for mentally ill patients and the great services provided to patients without charge.
At the meeting, the deputy was briefed on the workflow of the institution ... the obstacles and problems that prevent the provision of service to patients and the role that the local authority can play in order to facilitate the work of the institution.
 At the conclusion of the meeting, the Vice Dean affirmed her full support for the institution and standing by it in exchange for the great services it provides to mental patients, and that the local authority will be the support and aid for the institution as the least duty towards it.
For his part, Director of the Foundation, Dr. Akram Abdulaziz, appreciated Dr. Aylan's efforts in supporting the health sector in general in the governorate and the psychological care institution in particular.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Faris Al-Barakani, Executive Director of the Psychiatric and Neurological Center.



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